Nursing nursery on patients with anemia

Some of the things that must be understood in the nursery method nursing on patients with anemia among them are :

A. The sense of
Anemia is a condition where the level of Hb and or count erythrocytes lower than normal. Anemia is the reduction of the number of erythrocytes as well as the amount of Hb in 1mm3 blood or diminution of the volume of the cell is obtained (pspd red cells volume) in 100 ml of blood.

B. The cause of ANEMIA
Anemia can be differentiated according to the mechanism of the formation of disorder, damage or loss of red blood cells and causes. The cause of anemia among others as follows:
1. Anemia post bleeding : due to assault bleeding such as accidents, operations and delivery with bleeding or bleeding chronic:worms.
2. Anemia deficiency: raw material shortages maker of blood cells. It could be the intake less, absorption less, synthesis less, the necessity of increased.
3. Anemia streptococcus: happened the destruction of erythrocytes excessive. Because the factor intrasel: talasemia, hemoglobinopatie,etc. While extracellular factor: intoxication, infection -malaria, reaction streptococcus blood transfusion.
4. Anemia aplastik caused the collapse of the making of blood cells by the bone marrow (bone marrow damage).

C. The signs and symptoms of
1. General signs of anemia:
a. pale,
b. tacicardi,
c. noise systolic inorganic,
d. noise karotis,
e. heart hypertrophy.
2. Special manifestation on anemia:
a. Anemia aplastik: ptekie, ekimosis, epistaxis, hemorrhagic disease oral bacterial infections, fever, anemis, pale, tired, tachycardia.
b. Anemia deficiency: konjungtiva pale (Hb 6-10 gr/dl), the hands pale (Hb < 8 gr/dl), iritabilitas, anorexia, tachycardia, systolic murmur, letargi, sleep increased, lose interest play or play activity. Children seem drowned, often chair watching, hasten tired, pale, headache, children no appear sick, appear pale mucosal lips, farink,the hands and the basis of the nails. The heart is slightly enlarged and heard noise systolic functional.
c. Anemia aplastik : ikterus, hepatosplenomegali.

D. Supporting examination
1. The level of Hb.
The level of Hb <10g/dl. Erythrocytes haemoglobin concentration the average < 32% (normal: 32-37%), leukocytes and thrombocytes normal serum iron denigration, iron binding capacity increased.
2. Simple laboratory abnormalities for each type of anemia :
a. Anemia deficiency of folic acid : macro/megalositosis
b. Anemia streptococcus : retikulosit escalating, bilirubin indirek and total rose, urobilinuria.
c. Anemia aplastik : thrombocytopenia, granulositopeni, pansitopenia, pathologic cells peripheral blood found on anemia aplastik because violence.

E. The management of
a. Anemia post bleeding: blood transfusion. The second choice: plasma expanders or plasma substitute. In a state of emergency can be given IV infusions what.
b. Anemia deficiency: food intake, given SF 3x10mg/kg BW/day. Blood transfusion was given only on the Hb <5 gr/dl.
c. Anemia aplastik: Prednisone and testosterone, blood transfusion, treatment of secondary infections, food and rest.

F. Nursing issues that often appear
1. Perfusion changes associated with reduced komparten network that is important to mobile delivers oxygen / nutrients into the cells.
2. Not the tolerance of the activities related to the unequal utilization needs and supply of oxygen.
3. Nutritional changes less than the needs of the body related to the lack of appetite.

G. Nursing actions
1. Adequate network perfusion
- Monitor vital signs, filling capillaries, wama skin, mucous membranes.
- elevate the position of the head in the bed
- Check and document the existence of pain.
- The observation of delayed response verbal, confusion, or anxious
- Observe and document the existence of a sense of cold.
- Maintain the temperature of the environment to keep it hot in accordance kebu-tuhan body.
- Give oxygen to suit your needs.
2. Support the son remains tolerant of activity
- assess the ability of the children to perform the activities in accordance with the physical condition and child development tasks.
- Monitor vital signs during and after the activity and record the existence of the physiological response to activity (increased heart rate increased blood pressure, or breath quickly).
- Provide information to the patient or family to stop doing activity if teladi symptoms of increased heart rate and increase the blood pressure, breath, dizziness or fatigue).

- Provide support to the children to perform the activities of se

Nursing nursery on patients with anemia